Having got myself completely upto date with my 365 day journal challenge by the end of August I then hit another technical snag - battery flat and then memory card full - so I couldn't post the evidence straight away.
I then forgot about it for a while and got a sudden reminder when I met the wonderful Kate of The Kathryn Wheel with her daughter at the Great Northern Papercraft Extravaganza. Needless to say I still haven't had a chance to get sorted - there are just too many distractions and temptations to fill any spare moments I have.
Here's just one...
Jill and her DT colleagues at The Stamp Man have a fabulous challenge running at the moment, and even better than that they are running a blog hop with super candy in conjunction with it. Do take a look at the letters they have altered - starting from here..... and hopping along. It will save you from housework for ages!
I will try really really hard to catch up on posting over the weekend - it will be like buses, none for ages then 2 or 3 at once (again).
Ah, you have just reminded me ... it's almost October and I haven't started October's page yet. Oops. I'm not setting a very good example am I?!!! But I am looking forward to seeing your september pages :-)